
On Daruma’s Watch

Monthly Small-Cap Insights for Investment Professionals

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2014 Newsletters

New Seasons and Old Letters… Three Rules for Managing the Downside (October 2014)

Being a good investor requires, among other things, knowing how not to lose money. Which is why this month we spoke with Daruma Senior Analyst, Mark Miller (the person around here who does the best job playing defense), and asked him to share three of his favorite techniques for avoiding losses. Read more

A Random Walk on the Stock Market Beach (September 2014)

Do You See What I See? Three ideas for changing your investment perspective. (August 2014)

How to Debunk 35 Years of High School Myths (July 2014)

The Four Bureaucratic Horsemen of GM’s Apocalypse (June 2014)

From Ira Sohn With Love: Three Investment Ideas (May 2014)

Pawn Shops, Mobsters and the Search for Value (April 2014)

What’s Dogging Your Portfolio? (March 2014)

Blackjack, Cycling and the Power of the One Percent (February 2014)

Foodies, Fortunes and the Folly of Economic Forecasting (January 2014)